A Comprehensive Approach to Achieving Your Financial Goals
Initial Consultation
In the first appointment, we take the time to thoroughly understand your current financial situation. This isn’t just a cursory overview; we delve into the details. From your family makeup and estate planning considerations to an inventory of your assets and liabilities, we cover it all. We also discuss your current income streams, such as pensions and social security benefits, as well as your future financial obligations. This comprehensive “snapshot” serves as the foundation for all future planning, ensuring that our strategies are tailored to your unique circumstances and needs
Goal Setting
The second appointment is a deeper dive into your financial aspirations and lifestyle goals. Unlike the first meeting, which focuses on your current situation, this appointment is all about your future. We discuss your target retirement age, desired retirement income, plans for travel, and even your life expectancy. We also explore your thoughts on gifting and leaving an inheritance. By the end of this meeting, we have a well-rounded understanding of what you want your financial future to look like, enabling us to create a personalized action plan that aligns with your goals.
The third appointment is where the rubber meets the road. We present you with personally crafted action items designed to navigate you toward your financial goals. This plan outlines the areas that need attention, strategies that need implementation, and even habits that may need changing. You have the freedom to choose where to start, or we can guide you on prioritizing the most critical areas. Subsequent meetings are dedicated to the implementation and fine-tuning of your action plan, ensuring that every step we take is a step closer to your financial well-being.
Life Stage Adjustments
In the ever-changing journey of life, it’s vital to keep your financial plan as dynamic as your circumstances. At Great Lakes Benefits & Wealth Management, we recommend annual reviews, or more frequently if possible, to ensure your financial strategy evolves with you. Whether adapting to significant life events or just checking in on your progress, these regular meetings are key to maintaining your path towards your financial goals. Staying connected helps us swiftly adjust your plan, keeping you on track in an unpredictable world.